from the not-meant-for-this-moment dept
It’s BAFFLING why Democratic Voters are Abandoning the Party. BAFFLING!
Some people actually believe that a group of wealthy people are working to improve the lives of the working class. That’s the baffling part.
Of course they did, because that’s who Democrats are. They are controlled opposition that only talk about opposing Republicans, in the end they legislate exactly like them.
something something illusion of choice
This goes out to anyone still thinking there are some good people among the very rich. They‘re all robbers and thieves without a conscience.
Not surprising, considering how spineless they’ve always been.
In this case it’s not mere spinelessness, they were pushing for this before Trump to server the interests of their corporate masters (copyright lobby mostly, though big tech would also benefit).
Yes. US democrats are corporate. Not nearly as far to the left as the media would have you believe. I’m not even convinced we have a true left wing.
Certainly not in Congress.
Section 230 is supported by the corporate types too since all the big Internet companies would cease to exist without it. This is brain dead boomers not understanding how the Internet works.
Nah, they don’t give a shit if it’s gone, because they’ll just pay an army of lawyers to make it go away.
What this does is makes any competition against any established Internet companies impossible for anyone who can’t afford said army of lawyers. That’s why they’re the main driving force behind it. Any new social media startup will swiftly find themselves buried in litigation over the content people post on their site.
It’s far worse than you think.
I wasn’t talking about spinelessness toward Trump (exclusively).