Way to make me feel old.
I never had to do that to my N64 cartridges. That was the meme for the NES.
And even then, blowing on it didn’t really help. It was the ejecting and reinserting of the cartridge that fixed the issue because the slot on the NES was janky.
Excuse me. Everyone knows the blowing was crucial.
Not for the N64. The games always booted on the first attempt.
Furthermore, the spit from your breath can corrode the contacts, which can make the problem worse. Your N64 games were having issues cause you kept blowing on them.
That’s why we used the cold breath! I told you there was an art to it. Also, we still have the console, games etc, everything still works :)
Edit: I was talking about NES but also have N64, same applies.
I had to if it got dusty. But then, that was… nearly 30 years ago and I was a wee lad.
SNES for me, and rather frequently.
From a current European view
America is a scratched PS1 disc, you have to turn your PS1 at an angle against the wall to get it to function properly.
Smear toothpaste on it
Right-ish, and far
Blowing and now against the wall? UwU
Except this game has a centuries long record of murdering and maiming women and children around the globe. Unplug it and toss it in the trash where it belongs.
Well it’s either that or we have to unplug it and plug it back in.
Just to be clear, definitely don’t blow on the cartridge. It will only cause corrosion and can also cause mold to grow on the contacts area… if it needs cleaning, use a dry cloth or alcohol swab.
Too many game cartridges have been ruined from years of blowing on them.
Clinton seemed to enjoy it
just throw us in the trash its where we belong
I’m not sure that blowing anymore politicians is going to help
Stormy Daniels already tried that.
I mean it worked for her at least
You guys have hurricane season every year and it does nothing, I think your console may be fucked.