They sell things that come in cups, or with napkins. Lots of people cycle/run/walk here instead of driving, seems pretty stupid.
Taking away the bins doesn’t mean you don’t produce rubbish…
Edit: I think there is still a bin IN the cafe, but most people eat/drink outside. Lots of people asking staff where the bins are. Still hypocritical I think though? (And still mildly infuriating to remove well used bins!)
The only way this will work is if humans behave in ways that no human has ever humaned
“To support our commitment to reducing the number of covid cases, we have elected to discontinue counting them. We kindly ask all infected to kindly die at home.”
I’m on board with this. Don’t bring rubbish into woodland areas; and if you do bring it - take it back with you.
I’m sure the bins were very convenient - but its a convenience that only helps you leave trash in the woodland for someone else to collect. And as others have pointed out, the rubbish can cause problems even if it is all put in the bin.
So yeah, I can see that it is mildly frustrating - but I don’t think ‘take your rubbish home’ is too much of an ask.
Yeah, I agree but if you know anything about human behavior, you would realize all this paragraph you wrote was for nothing because people are going to do what people do
I fully support the choice to remove the bins. I visited a beauty spot in Scotland recently that has a coffee van in the carpark. The young couple I took there went to add their empty cups to the already overflowing bin, and were baffled when I insisted they take them to the car, which was ten steps away. “But there’s a bin!” Yes you numpties, and the wind is already spreading its contents everywhere. Be part of the solution, not the problem.
Just take your own rubbish home
there should be a rule that, if you sell stuff, which produces rubbis - you have to provide enough bins for said trash.
One problem with outside bins is that the wildlife is naturally drawn to them and the contents can be damaging to them as well as desensitising animals to people, plus things like squirrels and birds will pull rubbish out of the bins and spread it around.
You can have wildlife proof bins.
Why not put that on the sign then instead of some vague, unrelated bollocks that doesn’t justify the removal? If that’s the case then I feel the wording on the sign is borderline dishonest.
That’s not how human behavior works…
Someone thinks they’re very clever and they aren’t.
“We don’t have enough funds to make the guys do that route, what do we do? what did you say Shannon? masquerade it as taking care of the environment? that’s fantastic”
Hey ChatGPT, I’m a dork who works for a local council and we are cutting costs by removing two bins from a local forestry. Can you come up with a sign that spins the removal of these bins into a positive?
So bring our own bin and pickup the stuff other people dropped as well?
I was walkin’ through the forest
And a sign said they removed the bins to produce less rubbish
“We kindly ask all visitors to take their litter home!”
Man, what do I look like, a garbage bin?
Just though it on the ground
- the general public, probably
Did you mean throw?
Wait, so there are bins inside and they don’t want bins outside because it’s a wildlife area?
Sounds like OP’s a little lazy, this is a very understandable change
Is only mildly annoying. Lots of people asking where the bins though.
I can see a lot of paper cups being left in tables etc
What inside? Inside at your home maybe.
But they sell disposable items, likely for profit. They can’t have a system to dispose of trash in a responsible manner?
Sounds like they have bins inside. That is responsible no?
You have the right to purchase something, doesn’t mean you have the right of convenience.
…huh? They want to cut down on litter by removing the convenient locations for people to dispose their would-be litter?
Fuck there are some incredibly fucking stupid people in charge of places right now…
Thats what they do in Japan and it suuuuucks so bad. By far my least favorite thing about the country. It’s so annoying to carry trash around and the few bins that exist are so tiny and always overflowing.
People praise Japan for cleanliness but let me tell you it’s not because of the lack of trash bins but because people genuinely care about spaces and more bins would just make that easier.
This is the reason given in Australia by Parks Victoria
Advocate for minimal-impact practices wherever you go. Many people are surprised to find no bins in national parks. Waste attracts native animals, which can change their natural behaviour and harm both natural and cultural sites, as well as your personal belongings.
Always bring rubbish bags (and one for your neighbour) and take all your rubbish home. Help educate others about the importance of leaving the park pristine, minimising your impact on the delicate balance of the ecosystem.
Have a fence, sign, benches seems pretty antithetical to LNT.
I feel like you want more trash cans not less. Make it easy for people to clean up after themselves
When I was visiting England I remember my grandpa and I walking around London looking for a trash can and being shocked at how rare they were compared to the US