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The right has conspiracy hypotheses.
The left has conspiracy theories.
And the right doesn’t know the difference.
iT’s JuSt A tHeOrY bRo. WhErE’s ThE FaCtS?
It’s amazing how they make up whatever meanings they like for words, but can’t handle that the word “theory” has evolved two different meanings based on whether it’s used in a scientific context or not.
This has apparently been publicly available since at least 2010, because I found it in that year’s edition of A. J. Weberman’s Coup d’etat In America: The CIA and the Assassination of JFK 18 OSWALD IN NEW ORLEANS_djvu.txt
Laureano Batista, a 32 year old Cuban exile, was from a wealthy Cuban family and in Cuba he was a banker. He was granted a POA in December 1959 and an OA in February 1960 for use as a PP agent in Havana, Cuba.
A copy of a letter in Subject’s file dated November 22, 1963 signed by Subject as Secretary for Military Affairs, Executive Committee, Movimiento Democrata Cristiana (Christian Democratic Movement) is addressed to Major General Bela K. Kiraly, President, Hungarian Freedom Fighters Federation, Inc., and offered the services of the MDC in arranging meetings and discussions with other anti-CASTRO organizations and the Hungarian Freedom Fighters. The Hungarian Freedom Fighters were (deleted) was interested in information on the MDC before granting approval for contact between the two organizations.
If they admit to it, is it a theory or a fact?
That’s why it’s in quotes. Things are treated as conspiracy theories and you often sound like a crazy person bringing them up, even if what you’re saying is 100% factual.
Pizzas are flat, and there is a giant bread crust along the outter rim!