First they funded, supported, and grew the terrorism, and THEN, they fought the terrorism. Then they funded other terrorists. But it’s always in countries with natural resources they want.
War on drugs - drugs won
War on terror - terror won
War on woke - 🤞
It’s never been about defeating those things, it’s about expanding power using them as an excuse.
- War on Drugs - reduce minority voice in government
- War on Terror - PATRIOT Act, or whatever its current incarnation is
- War on Woke - probably government access to medical records and/or privacy generally, but I guess we’ll see
War on Drugs - reduce minority voice in government
And increase incarceration of certain people to expand legal slavery under the 13th amendment.
expand legal slavery
Maybe in some states, but in many (most?), they just become a burden on taxpayers.
War on drugs - excuse to further oppress blacks and mexicans (successful)
War on terror - excuse to violently expand influence in the middle east (mission accomplished)
War on woke - 😟
- War on Woke - war on privacy and access to undesirable (to the state) information
As RATM says:
Who controls the past now, controls the future.
Who controls the present now, controls the past.
It’s just Big Brother.
that makes sense. to start utilizing their surveillance network more aggressively to their interests. trying to censor out “woke”, as in socialism and anticapitalism in general, activism etc…
yeah this doesn’t look good does it.
I mean they literally came out and said that they hate empathy.
War on poverty 😬
Considering how tired and sleepy I feel, they may be winning this one.
His one job was to create profit for weapons manufacturers and he did that job very very well
When you wage a war on an enemy, you win when the enemy is dead. When you wage a war on an idea, there’s no final end point.
Just like the “war on drugs” was never about stopping drugs, this was never about stopping terrorism.
Declaring war on a concept has never gone well for the states, has it? Drugs, terror, women, the list goes on.
The war against woman is sadly going strong right now. More than drugs and etc ever has.
Seems like it has worked pretty well:
- Vietnam/Korea/etc - most people hate communism
- War on Drugs - police get to arrest minorities, and felons don’t get to vote (suppress minority vote)
- War on Terror - PATRIOT Act is still alive and well, it just has different names now
With the right perspective, they seem pretty successful to me, you just need to peek behind the curtain.
I’m holding out hope that we can still turn it around and defeat Santa Claus
Declaring war on anything. They need the Europeans to invite them to the final hours of one to chalk a W.
No, man! He said war OF Terror…
New skill unlocked: “Lie with energy and in a few years fact checking becomes diabolical.”
Are we really going back this far, right at this moment?