I want uppercase numbers
When reading out loud it’s helpful to know right away that the sentence you’re starting is a question.
Not even spaniards use them in nonformal written format my dude.
I really like that in a longer sentence, you can tell exactly where the question part starts.
That would be a good feature to have, ¿ wouldn’t it?
I would love a combination of “?” and “,”. This would allow me to mark a specific part of a sentence as a question.
Absolutely yes. I think it’s common (?) practice to use brackets like I just have.
I’ve done this before. Example
I was going somewhere yesterday, the bank?, when I saw…
It’s also fun to interject bangs into sentences too
I was so convinced that I was going to die!, but I ended up just fine.
Ultimately, I feel that if language is descriptive and not ambiguous it is legitimate English.
If I understand @xmunk@sh.itjust.works’s comment elsewhere in this thread properly, I think that’s what a pause interrogative may be. I also agree with them that it (and the interrogative start) does better fit some ways of speaking.
Spanish has ¿ and ?, not sure if that’s what you mean
Either the whole thing is a question or you need to break it up.
I’m curious if you can convince me otherwise though!
It’s not about making it a question, is about showing doubt.
“Jake should’ve been there last night (?), but I doesn’t have time to check.”
Sure there are ways to phrase that differently, but it’s the sort of message we can easily communicate with hand gestures and intonation, but fail with written word.
Ah, I see. Like you suggested though, that’s definitely not a question (which is what the other comment said)
“Maybe we can meetup tomorrow? And I’d love to know what you want to do.”
Can be split up into two sentences but sometimes, when spoken, is said as a continuous sentence.
Yeah, that’s either two “sentences” or one statement imo!
The first part doesn’t even need to be a question. A suggestion like that would usually be a statement. If there’s enough rising intonation that it needs a question mark, there’s probably enough of a pause to justify having two sentences.
I feel like the interrobang ‽ is highly underutilised.
I wish it was on basic keyboards. I love ?! but I am in love with ‽ .
Wow I wonder if I can even find it on the keyboard‽
took quite a while lol.
Pause interrogatives and interrogative starting marks - aka ,? and ¿
Interrogative starting marks are extremely useful for clarity and pause interrogatives better align with natural speech.
Eh buddy, me and Bob were thinking of heading down to Timmes. ¿Do you want to come,? there’s a sale on the chili.
!Yes, please!
I often preface questions and exclamations with a couple question marks/exclamation points to help clarify! Very useful.
Not punctuation, but sartalics. It’s italics format but slanted the other direction. Somebody invented it then made it a funny you have to pay for like a jackass instead of working to make it a formating option to there with bold, underline, and italics.
It’s intended to be used for sarcasm, as the name implies.
Barring that, a punctuation mark for sarcasm works be nice.
/s is an interesting addition and could use a glyph
To express a range of numbers, Korean (and likely other Asian languages) will use a tilde instead of a dash or hyphen. To me, that better expresses that we’re talking about an indeterminate value or a range. Especially when we use ~ for “about”, as in ~$20 for something that costs $17.99 before tax, for example.
Dining out costs like 20~40 dollars per person!
Whereas “20-40” looks too similar to a subtraction equation or a hyphenated word to me.
In properly formatted text, you use en dash for ranges.
En dash: 20–40
Hyphen: 20-40
Some (most?) modern text editors will substitute two hyphens with an en dash, so you can easily generate them by typing
.(I get your point though! Just wanted to point out that there are much nicer and more appropriate glyphs than the hyphen.)
Even with the en dash, it looks like subtraction to me! Haha
An em dash wouldn’t, but that would also probably be too wide
En dash is very useful for
Dates (3–20–25)
Subtraction (although I think math script uses its own unique dash?) (7 – 1 = 6)
Value ranges ($20–40)Then of course there’s the beautiful—and slightly different—em dash!
ISO 8601 or GTFO
USA English also uses ~ before a number to signify “about” in informal contexts. “It costs ~$20”.
Chemistry has a weird one for this: “ca. 20 mL” means “about 20 mL” and I never found out why.
Maybe, I usually only hear that in relation to time / maybe I’m not remembering it right, or maybe chemists apply it to amounts as well
Same, but it does mean ‘around’ or ‘approximately’, so would still work in this context.
I’ve always liked § and ¶. I also don’t see people using ≈ and ~ in context enough. They’re fun to write.
Edit: Almost forgot this guy, too: ‽
I like the equals sign with three lines to mean “x is defined to be y.”
I’m not sure if a ≈ with three lines already has a meaning, but if it doesn’t, maybe it should mean “x is defined as similar to y.”