In the unlikely event that you can not find a European alternative, you may have to consider buying a US branded product. On this website you can look up the brand and see its politics.
“Corporations earn profits off of your everyday purchases. And some of those profits are then donated to politicians and causes you might not agree with.”
I’m in the US and people have been recommending this site for weeks and I don’t get it.
Why blindly trust them? There’s almost no info about how they arrive at their ratings and no sources provided anywhere. These could be completely made up numbers for all we know.
I wish there was a better site to use for this purpose because this one leaves so much to be desired.
I guess there’s no better alternative for now, so take what you get.
Thank you for this! I’m in the US and have to buy American for many things, so this is super helpful!
If you’re open to doing a bit more work, might be a good resource to look up political affiliations of corporate PACs and lobbyists.
Edit: must have messed something up, meant to reply to unsettlinglymoist’s comment not the OP.