We’re just real men
Men in Tights!
God this is stupid even for green text
What the fuck is “low value men”? No one else can decide your value.
They confided in each other that they both have low self esteem
It’s the attempt to understand dating through tech bro economics.
The look at supply/demand (swipes), and decide their value based on the demand of the “market” is.
It’s deranged
I dunno. my broke ass probably lol
lol so basically the premise of incelibacy is that there is a hierarchy of men (hence all the “alpha” or “beta” shit".) What you are was given out at birth (so yay, biological essentialism). they believe some traits highly valued by women (height, beauty, etc) and these were handed out at birth. If you are short, or slight, or bulky, they believe that no one can find you attractive (the black pill), no matter what other traits you cultivate. They are convinced no one might have any other taste, they have to look like Chris Hemsworth. So imagine a scale with Chris Hemsworth at the top, and everyone who doesn’t look like that having “low value.”
A “low value man” is a man that tries to decide another ones value.
Imagine the world is a video game. Higher value characters of the race man would have things like a high earning job (a good class), a decent amount of wealth, high physical stats, high charisma. Low value characters would have a terrible class (smelly gamer), stats they believe are skewed towards intelligence, and no money.
If your world view is like this except you also believe there are hidden stats you can’t ever change(like looks), and you’re in a capitalist nightmarescape where even changing your class and amount of wealth is typically impossible, then you’ve accidently an entire incel.
One of them is lower value than the other, it would seem.
Teenager moment