It’s TruckersMP for me because it’s built on .NET libraries and I can’t get truckersmp-cli to load my DLCs for whatever reason :|
Literally just steam VR in home streaming is all I need to fully dump windows.
Video games.
video games work pretty well in general
shitty anticheat protected games where the dev has specifically chose to block linux?
My only real reason is the amount of stuff I’d have to move over
Wait, there’s something scrawled on the corner down here in crayon…
i’m lazy
Only thing are my files, that are pretty tricky to transfer securely while maintaining compatibility (i dualboot)
I side-loaded Mint for a couple hours just to goof around, and then . . . never booted Windows again, quite literally forgot it was installed three days later
Sounds just like my last dual boot setup, as well.
I believe I said “I’ll just boot back to Windows next time I want to play…this game…that just launched and played perfectly under Proton…or…this other game…which also works…huh…”
For me it’s Nvidia tech, VR, and HDR, even if they’re technically supported, they’re much more of a hassle than on Windows.
I keep a windows LTSC install around purely for Escape from Tarkov. Everything else I play works great on Linux.
I’m going to give you the secret to switching. Go all AMD for your build, and leave everything you know about Windows software and how it works at the door. Learn to use Linux. Expecting it and Linux software to work like Windows is the pitfall.
Msm flash tool, I need windows for this
Msm flash tool
If that’s all you need. I bet you could just run it from WINE. I updated my PS5 controller using the PlayStation flash tool or whatever it’s called. I used Bottles to do all the WINE stuff. Just installed the flash tool and it worked like it was Windows. Pretty shocked if I’m being honest.
I’ve to do usb passthrough to use msm tool, but I’ll try since you said it worked for u.
With WINE you wouldn’t need USB pass-through. Only if you are passing the hardware into a Virtual Machine. The pass-through just tells the Host system not handle the device. But you actually want the HOST system to handle the device. WINE is just translation, not virtualization. (or Emulation, haha)
P.S. USB pass-through does work really well in VM’s. If WINE doesn’t work for you. You could always keep around a Windows VM for the occasion you need the msm flash tool.
This ethereal concept titled “Work” is pointing a pistol towards me.
But yeah. Windows is trash. I’m going to go submit resumes and buy lottery tickets.
what kind of software are you trying to run? i don’t have many issues with work.
Microsoft software and NinjaRMM screen sharing. Ninja and MS SQL management tools are the biggest blockers since the web versions of M365 are adequate.
Yup. Trying to get various work critical specific pieces of software working on Linux is just not a reasonable concept. Dual boot is the only option.
Are you guys using your own computers to work? I connect vpn and then remote desktop.
I can’t escape windows at work because my company uses all windows.
My company is your standard Dell + M365 outfit, but we on the dev team can install linux because our product is an embedded linux system. It is so damn nice.
It is so tempting to wipe my Windows partition and add that space to my home directory. It just feels like there must be SOME reason they wouldn’t want me to. I don’t ever actually use it. I will occasionally fire up a windows VM to check the windows version of one of our build artifacts.
Meanwhile, I am forced to develop embedded Linux stuff using WSL
Wsl is a piece of joke, like seriously why. If you want an actual linux, install it on bare metal. If you want to try out, then virtualbox. If you need a good integration with the system with native performance, Termux. WSL works with hyperv which is hard to set up and breaks all the time, plus you are forced to use microsoft’s kernel which is riddled with who knows what. Plus wsl consumes insane amount of space. I don’t think we really need this to windows, it was just a desperate attempt from microsoft to get sympathy from Linux users, but they didn’t convice me with this trashpile
Why WSL? Because I’d be setting up a Linux VM anyway.
Fan control. MSI after burner. Nvidia drivers.
Windows 10 gaming desktop
Mint laptop
Fancontrol-gui, corectl, yeah nvidia drivers still suck but are improving.
Fusion 360 for me. Freecads incredibly user unfriendly, openscad is missing functionality and performance, and blender isn’t great for engineering modeling
There are dozens of us. Surely someone can figure out how to port F360 to Linux, or make a functional clone
id bet it works on wine