whatever level of difficulty you’re defining as “not that difficult” – remove that, and now it’s zero.
that’s why
whatever level of difficulty you’re defining as “not that difficult” – remove that, and now it’s zero.
that’s why
meirl talking to some dude just the other day who was complaining because i was talking mean about trump voters, “just help people to be a better person” etc., but wouldn’t give concrete examples of how to do that with people whose literal goal is to be as shitty as possible
if you press a thumbtack all the way through the lid near the edge, it completely negates the “push to turn” child safety–just open it like a regular bottle
don’t worry, they won’t be indicted anymore soon, once all the judges are replaced and it’d be a waste of time anyway. in fact, producing CSAM might be one of the qualifications for joining the magastan inner party
um what…jussi is my favorite kind of pussi
hey, the same shit happens to me! i thought i was the only one…
its like getting text messages from that friend you don’t remember making when you were blackout drunk last night
i’ll never not think “hey, fallout!” when i see that flag