Farmer relies on government grants and immigrant workers.
Farmer votes for candidate who vows to block government grants and immigrant workers.
Farmer is surprised when government grants and immigrant workers are blocked.
Fk them. Most of them are subsidies beggars.
Dumb ass mf
I truly wish these people would wake up. I know we’re mostly smarter than these people so the schadenfreude it’s easy to come by, but most of us aren’t thriving under capitalism, and 100% of us are compromising voting for one of the two viable political parties.
I didn’t vote for the guy and even I didn’t even imagine the level of destruction and chaos that’s come so far.
I didn’t vote for the guy and even I didn’t even imagine the level of destruction and chaos that’s come so far.
It’s been pretty astonishing. I was expecting a lot of vindictive attacks on those who he though had wronged him, and an element of tearing down anything that might regulate his buddies’ industries, but this is a level or 5 beyond that. It’s like their trying to go as fast as possible, doing as much damage as possible before someone stops them. In fact, I suspect it’s exactly that, they know that some form of opposition will eventually form, and are trying to get as much done as possible before that happens. I imagine they can’t believe their luck at how long it’s taking.
“I bleed Republican.”
Fuck you. Hope her farm folds and the debt chases her the rest of her life.
They’re bleeding you, alright
better get your family working on the farm then.
Let’s face it. We have been talking about technology eliminating the drudge work of society for decades. We used technology to automate so many tedious but not necessarily body destroying jobs. Farm work is body destroying and should be automated as much as is technologically feasible.
From the CDC:
- In 2022, workers in the agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting industry had one of the highest fatal injury rates (18.6 deaths per 100,000 full-time equivalents), compared to 3.7 deaths per 100,000 FTE for all U.S. industries.
- Transportation incidents were the leading cause of death for these farmers and farm workers. Other leading causes were violence by other persons or animals and contact with objects and equipment.
- In 2022, over half (56%) of deaths in the agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting industry occurred to workers 55 years of age and older.
A “science will save us” comment, handwaving in the direction of future unrealized solutions for a crisis happening today.
“Let’s face it…”, offering solutions that are years away, affordable only by Big Farm, and ignore the fact that there are simply many crops that are not harvestable by machine is a very unhelpful comment. You may be right about the dangers of farming, it has always been a dangerous occupation, but pointing out what could be accomplished a decade from now is no solution for the crops rotting in the fields this season. Wit this administration we are FAR more likely to see incarcerated and detained individuals forced into the fields than we are to any advances in farm tech - especially with the idiotic tariffs in place that will jack up the price of any imported machinery or the raw materials needed to produce said machines and will be unprofitable to attempt.
but its cheaper to have “Slave” workers, than expensive machinery, where you have to maintain it.
Machines are still cheaper. They don’t need to be fed or housed every day and you get more work out of machine per hour than any living creature-- be it a horse or slave. And when you are done with a piece of equipment, you turn it off and walk away.
Cherry farmer? Really? The first time wasn’t bad enough?
According to her, the first term was great
So she is either alien to the concept of math or another “fuck you, got mine” psycho who got lucky
Trump supporters have no long term memory capacity. There are ones that believe that Biden was in charge at the beginning of Covid.
Is this the trump derangement syndrome I keep hearing about?
If only there was some way she could have known. Anyway…
“I’ll admit to you, I bleed Republican. However, this has left a sour taste in my mouth,” Carlson said.
Keep bleeding, then.
“The sour taste in your mouth is blood. Because of the festering sores in your mouth. Which you contracted by suckling the micropeen of a cheating, raping misogynist who ran on a promise of ruining your life. But hey, at least your grandkids disowned you and your social security is about to not exist.”
And the EU starts putting tariffs on farm products from the USA, so that bleeding could increase.
Waiting for them to all bleed out.
The liberal tears are from laughing too hard.
I’m a Republican whose life was going Decently under Biden so I voted for the Man who Campaigned on RUINING my Life! Why did he Ruin my Life?
They look like quiverfull morons
-tiny violin-
These people are so fucking stupid
Stupid I could pity. Simply stupid people are society’s wards.
These people are malicious, and vote for policies sold on the basis of cruelty for cruelty’s sake to people who aren’t them.
Their malice Trumps their stupidity, especially because most of these people don’t suffer some cognitive deficit, but have been trained to be willfully ignorant with for profit media using cruelty as the training incentive. That’s the stupidity you choose.
You’re not wrong
I really don’t understand how these people think. A person reliant on government funding and immigrant workers votes for the guy who campaigned on cutting government funding and getting rid of immigrants.
Thoughts and prayers.