“The sour taste in your mouth is blood. Because of the festering sores in your mouth. Which you contracted by suckling the micropeen of a cheating, raping misogynist who ran on a promise of ruining your life. But hey, at least your grandkids disowned you and your social security is about to not exist.”
I have known a couple who were anti-US when they went in. One had very few other options financially, and the other figured why not get their education on the country’s dime, get trained on how to be stronger and how to fight, and then use those talents to do their part in bringing down the system once they got out. Even while they were in, they were training people on the outside. One of their trainees was a top operative in Seattle in 2020; they kept the cops at bay in the Capitol Hill Autonomized Zone (CHAZ) for a month.
Keep in mind, I’m not saying don’t be wary of enlisted people…definitely be wary. Just don’t paint with such broad strokes. Some have needs, some have reasons, and some are in the process of becoming radicalized.