Who is Nicole really? Who got messages from Nicole? Who is behind the messages? What is the resolution of Nicole’s profile images? Do I really have to be a racist to join her server? This comment section’s purpose is to collect all that information.
Got Nicole’d twice, last time ~a hour ago.
My guess is that the scammer is simply hitting random Fediverse people, with no meaningful pattern besides “some post/comment activity”.
Hey y’all, I know this theory might be a stretch, but remember that this could be someone using someone’s name/face without their permission to harass them or frame them or something. Please just keep that in mind as you dig.
Everyone who got a Nicole message: Please get in touch here, you all might have something in common.
I only got one after I mentioned somewhere that I hadn’t gotten one yet. It wasn’t immediately after, but close enough to make me suspicious.
What user was it from and when?
I suspect what we have in common is that we all use Lemmy or Mastodon
Nice try Zuckerberg