I don’t think their arguments are sound because they are trying to combine an originalist viewpoint with a hyper corporate one but in they end are they wrong to recognize cash is king?
If money is free speech then anyone with more money gets more free speech, which isn’t how rights work. You have the same freedoms and limitations to those freedoms that I do, regardless of who has more money. We’re supposed to be equal under the law, but SCOTUS thinks $ome are more equal than others.
I’m not disagreeing with you but your looking at it as a matter principle. In practice more money does mean more speech and everything else. I, too, believe that the supreme court should be more principled but I also think the supreme court are people. By that I mean, they are the people who make the rules. They aren’t law makers but they put the laws into practice. I give this court zero credit, I honestly do, but isn’t there something honest about what the court has done? What we are see now is the law as they see the law exists. It might be deeply wrong from any one persons perspective but if that’s actually how government functions would the law work if we tried to apply it in a different way? Maybe yes, but I would think you would need other large sweeping changes aswell.
anyone with more money gets more free speech, which isn’t how rights work.
The ones with a lot of money are the only ones who have rights anyway.
I don’t know any of their reasoning, but money as a form of speech is just obviously bullshit.
Unfortunately, freedom of speech is the only one of all the basic human rights that Americans seem to know. So whenever someone needs a new right, they have only this to build upon.
(Whenever they want to take away a right from someone, they babble about NatioANAL Security)