Yes. Any time I capitalize a letter on the left side of the keyboard. Isn’t that normal?
I was taught to type that way, but I was never that good at using my right pinky while typing a letter with my left. Or maybe I just wasn’t good at coordinating which shift key to use with which letter. So I started just always using the left shift key which I somehow never had a problem with.
If I have to type capital A, left pinky holds shift and ring finger hits the A. This isn’t the “right” way to touch type, but I can still type pretty fast.
But to do that you are bending your wrist sideways which will eventually start causing wrist pain. Better if you can get out of that habit before it starts causing trouble.
I hope I can. I’ve been doing this for like 25 years …
Oh. Well if it hasn’t started hurting after that much time, maybe you’re OK 😄
No, I repurposed it as a nightstand
Yes, I use both. Learned typing that way.
Same. That’s why it’s there, folks.
Ergonomically, you should use the Shift (or Ctrl or Alt) key on the opposite side of the keyboard as the key you are modifying. This helps prevent carpal tunnel issues because you can keep your wrists straight and not be twisting them unnaturally to reach key combos. You should also not have your wrists resting on the wrist rest or other surface while typing as that also contributes to carpal tunnel problems. Just use it in between stretches of typing (or maybe people just hunt and peck these days, I dunno).
Just as I learned on a mechanical typewriter.
I think a good followup question for this one would be “Were you able to answer the question from memory?”
I couldn’t remember, so I had to do some typing to see. And based on the amount of visible keycap wear, I’d say they get used equally.
Interesting. Ive never thought about it but I think I actually capitalize exclusively with RShift.
Yes. Proper use of touch typing uses both shift keys. That’s how I type.
Yes, I touch type so use it whenever I capitalise a letter typed by the left hand.
With emulators mostly.
I touch-type, so yes.
other than as a keybind in a singular Minecraft mod, no never. Always the left one, I also never use the caps lock key
exclusively. i never use the left shift for anything other than running in games.
I forgot that it was even there lol
I legitimately know people who press the caps lock key, type what they need uppercased, then press the caps lock key again. That said, I use both shift keys.
yes it gives me access to “%”, which is handy for string interpolation