Yeah pacman and pong were seminal but so was elite on the BBC, and Populous which I think was on the spectrum. Also unreal tournament, silent hill, vice city, homeworld, doom 2016, beam ng, I enjoyed em all but I can’t decide. Ppl here have done much more gaming than me, I’m wondering what you all think is the best game ever. Age, platform, genre, bla bla - what’s best ever?
Has to be Outer Wilds for me. I can’t think of any other game that would have left such an impact on me, in such a short amount of time.
I heard how great the Outer Wilds was, so when I saw The Outer Worlds on sale I thought “oh hey sure I’ll buy that for $15” and I was EXTREMELY confused at why people had said it was the best game you could only play once, because that game wasn’t even fun the first time. I later realized my mistake and got the real deal and oh my god I wish I could forget that game and play it again.
Best game ever is… difficult if not impossible to qualify. I’m gonna go with Shadow of War near the top though. Nobody else will, but I really appreciate that game’s ability to keep generating new experiences for you. Perfected the arkham combat, beautiful ragdolls, endless endgame to keep experiencing new orcs.
That’s easy, Bloodborne.
As someone who is not big into platformers or souls-likes, Hollow Knight.
I’m not sure there can ever even be a “best game ever”, but in any case mine is Grand Theft Auto 3.
Picture the scene. You’ve got your shiny PlayStation 2. You’ve got a bunch of games, but honestly, a lot of it could have been done on the PS1 with worse graphics.
And this bad boy drops, and never stops surprising you with all the absolute chaos you can cause. Not much of a story to go on, but the sheer scale of it was amazing. A whole city of driving, slightly wonky shooting and even flying (a bit). It was a game that just felt like the hardware was designed specifically for that.
We were no longer just playing games. We were living in the future. And we’ve never gone back.
I felt much the same about vice city. Changed my understanding of what games could be.
I’m going to contradict myself a little, because Vice City is the better game. It’s got an actual story, a great voice cast, helicopter gunships, and the finest soundtrack of any game ever made.
But it was very much built on GTA3. The mind was already blown. It wasn’t going to happen again.
Yeah that’s fair, I never got to play GTA3 so vice city was my mind-blown moment.
Been gaming since 1984 or some such.
By number of hours played: Factorio
By number of hours I can monologue about a game at you: also Factorio
By how much I think it affected gaming industry and culture: Doom
Speaking of which… Dev Turns Doom Into a Playable CAPTCHA Test - Game Rant
FFXIV, but this doesn’t mean much because it’s dependent on what genres you like.
Most historically significant? Ultima 4, Wizardry 1, Pool of Radiance, Mario 1, Metroid 1, FF4, Chrono Trigger, FF7, Mario 64, Zelda OoT, Counterstrike, Starcraft, Diablo 1, WoW, Cave Story, World of Goo, Minecraft, Skyrim, Dark Souls, Zelda BotW
That list is old school solid. I played every one of those except M64 and Counterstrike. Add a few like Adventure, Rogue, Civ 1&2, Populous, Wing Commander, Star Control 2, King’s Quest, Sim City, Katamari Damacy, and Deus Ex. Every one of those titles changed gaming in new ways.
Multiplayer: Quake.
Single Player: Half Life.
I don’t think I have any favorites, there are too many great games to determine the best game, well… VA-11 Hall-A. It’s one of the few games that really touched me and affected my emotions deeply. Also, I love this game ost, one of the best game soundtracks ever, imo.
I’ve played it 3 or 4 times in the last few years since I bought it, I love it. I hope the sequel ends up happening one day.
I only recently remembered about the sequel, I thought it had been canceled, but it seems that the development is still going on.
There is no such thing as a ‘Best Game Ever’, but it’s Mass Effect 2
To those downvoting, yall need to be calibrated
Portal and portal 2 those are the best ever, a story line everyone can get behind, likable characters. Good game loop. They are just masterclasses.
Portal 2 was way better than Portal, which felt like mostly a really extended tech demo or proof-of-concept. Portal 2 felt like an actual, full, fleshed-out game.
Bad Rats.
On a more serious note, my personal best of all time would be SimCity 3000.
Soma, TF2, Fallout 2, Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines, Deus Ex, StarCraft: Brood War, Civ 5 would all be in the top 10 (in no particular order).
Either Witcher 3 or Baldurs Gate 3.
Tetris and it isn’t even a contest. Pretty much everyone can learn and enjoy Tetris.
Tetris in a walkway. Any format, really. It’s just great.