It’s mostly just ambient though. No metal, punk, goth, anything of that sort probably for copyright reasons. Cool if you need something like this, but it’s not replacing any streaming service/downloading albums anytime soon. is fantastic. Been listening to them for 20 years, still no ads. Groove salad was my initial beat. I’m mostly on bossa now for office work ambiance, it’s great as background music to open onlinm eeetings. I know this make me sound like an old fart, because I am. They even got groove salad classic channel now… Anyway, good electronic, country, metal pop, vintage they have it all in well curated channels. Checkout secret agent or Illinois Street lounge for quirky ambiances.
Nice community financed radio channels. Highly recommend. They still need $12k to keep operation going this month, please support if you can :)
Now there’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time…
No punk? :(
Groove Salad ftw, love that downtempo vibe. all the Pork Records artists are great… Fila Brazillia, Baby Mammoth, Leggo Beast, Bullitnuts, Momma Gravy
Love SomaFM and have the t-shirts, magnets, stickers, etc. to prove it!
Mostly into the DroneZone as ambient while at home or at work. Listening with noise-reducing headphones makes it even better.
i love so much! i’m still a little salty about the app. kept it on my phone for a long time for pure nostalgia after it no longer worked.
app works fine on my iphone. is this an android thing?
Just downloaded the android app and it’s working fine for me…
huh. years ago they had an app and stopped supporting it. i still see radio omg which i haven’t liked as much, but i haven’t been using it lately either (just listen in browser).
i guess i need to look into this again!
I would add Radio Fip into the discussion, French, eclectic as hell, with many channels (though I pretty much only use the main one)
SomaFM is awesome
Be a bud and sign up for the 4.20!
I love somafm! Been listening for a long time. Buy some stickers from them! They don’t play ads and need income.
Wow they have a dubstep channel and judging by the last played tracks listed they are actually playing proper dubstep as well as the more commercial american style sound.
No DnB though.
This is amazing! Thanks!
Seems cool at first impression! Anyone know if I could play it on my Sonos system?
Seems like you can, it’s listed on their website under Players
SomaFM is my fav Radio Station!