This kind od christians, they’re having a raging hard-on about all the shit happening. https://youtu.be/he8HngdA98U
This kind od christians, they’re having a raging hard-on about all the shit happening. https://youtu.be/he8HngdA98U
I think the real world term is homeless.
First a statement, so i dont get put into pro or anti anyone. I utterly hate the hamas leader who decided to sacrifice palestinians for their cause by igniting this latest bloodbath just as much a I hate the israely leaders who cheefully accepted the invitation to violently take the land. I dont give a rat’s ass about religion and strongly advocate against religion being a incentive to kill or be killed. Let people live for fuck’s sake. End of statement. (maybe I need a short motto for this)
Now out of pure curiosity Israel tell gazaan to leave but offer no destinations, surrounding countries will not accept gazan partly out of not wishing to be destabilized and partly not wanting to help israel in the cleansing. Was westbank ever considered as a destination ? if so how was it received? It seem to me to be the least horrific solution.
Wonder if stereoscopic cameras would figure it out.
The blast blasted blubber beyond all believable bound. Is a magic incantation that will make you pee your pants.
He sold beans in the oval office last time he was president. The only surprise is that he didn’t do it earlier.
I did not say Hamas started, just that they lit the match in this latest episode of lets play chicken with innocent lives.