This is why they came out with the new $10/month for 10 gb plan. They know the White House isn’t actually going to use it.
I’m currently on a cruise offering Starlink internet. It blows so hard…
How many government contracts are we going to give him to prop up his falling stocks? And Congress is completely useless because we have had bystanders leading the Dems that have led to Americans not wanting to waste votes on them? That even when they have leverage or the majority they don’t push as hard as possible?
If the government shutting down allows the President to do literally anything (since that’s what good ol’ Chuck has used as an excuse) why haven’t we seen this happen before? Why have Dems always held back instead of attacking constantly?
Shut your f****** mouth
Go back to r/conservative or Twitter, you can be a good little fascist drone 🙂
If Elon Musk was ALSO the President this would be a HUGE conflict of Interest! But Fox News told me this is OK so as a Free Thinking Republican I think this is FINE!
Elon Musk spying on Trump’s Google search:
“Avoid wife hat tips”
“How to know if I’m daddy’s good boy”
“Best marker?”
“Buy Greenland price”
“Greenland owner”
“Buy Denmark”
“Buy eggs”
“Buy eggs from Denmark”
“Other Congress house”
“What is love”
“Constitution short summary”
“Constitution short summary for kids”
“Normal poop color”
“McDonald’s poop color”
“Undo Constitution”
“Undo egg price”
“Smaller wife hat where to buy”
The communication between Google and your browser is encrypted and authenticated.
He would have to get that data from Google directly
Excellent now Elon can monitor every electronic communication in the congress, white house and Supreme Court. Well done.
I can’t wait for it to be hacked.
Wonder what type of blackmail he has on trump already. It’s gonna be one unsecured network.
The first thing that can be destroyed in a great ceremony once these losers are kicked out.
“In the year 2045 this satellite dish behind me, which is being dedicated today, will still be here supplying expensive, inefficient internet … A generation from now, this satellite dish can either be a curiosity, a museum piece, an example of a road not taken or it can be just a small part of one of the grimmest and most authoritarian adventures ever undertaken by the American people” - Donald Trump
contextThat looks like the Arizona desert. Definitely not DC.