Just keep that in mind when they come for your taxes and student loan payments. All that matters is holding power, and the common citizen can certainly hold enough power to keep the police away, very easily as the cops have shown in the past.
Pointing out inconsistencies in far right ideology is like pointing out drops of water in a rainstorm.
why can’t y’all just call it a coup?
I always get mildly annoyed when people overthink MAGAGOP’s actions. Yes, they have a plan, but it’s a very simple plan: do your billionaire buddies’ bidding, shovel as much cash for yourself as you can. The strategy: throw as much shit at the wall as you can, hope some of it sticks.
Law and Order? Ethics? 🤣🤣
hey, that’s a nice post! am i shadowbanned or something? my posts aren’t showing up