I had a glorious moment at a restaurant with my extended family where there was a large group with kids at the next table letting them run riot. The parents were all nursing huge glasses of white wine and chatting away while the kids bothered other diners, waiters, etc.
At the end of the meal, after paying the bill, my uncle went over to the parents and told them their kids had ruined our meal. One of the parents tried to protest that he’d obviously never had kids. He responds, “I raised 3 kids and none of them ever behaved as badly as yours have done this afternoon.” Mic drop; my party left.
I say fuck people like this. And if you are people like this, then fuck you too.
Public space is for public, not just your kids. If you let your kids run wild, then you are sacrificing other people’s freedom.
Also, this is how entitled little bitches are created. Do you want your kid to be an entitled little bitch?
I had a glorious moment at a restaurant with my extended family where there was a large group with kids at the next table letting them run riot. The parents were all nursing huge glasses of white wine and chatting away while the kids bothered other diners, waiters, etc.
At the end of the meal, after paying the bill, my uncle went over to the parents and told them their kids had ruined our meal. One of the parents tried to protest that he’d obviously never had kids. He responds, “I raised 3 kids and none of them ever behaved as badly as yours have done this afternoon.” Mic drop; my party left.
My hero!
It was British high drama