And why is there always such a hesitancy for crossovers?
I’ve been inspired to ask this because the 2020’s seem to be the culmination of sequel-mania. There’s a Harry Potter remake series coming out. There was a Pokémon anime sequel that just wrapped up. Lord of the Rings made a prequel series. There’s even a third Avatar series coming out soon (the sequel to Korra).
I would really like some crossovers once in a while. It’s always nice to see the official way in which two universes relate to each other. Yet there is always a high hesitancy when it comes to crossovers, and none of the biggest franchises (Harry Potter, Pokémon, Star Wars, etc.) ever engage in crossovers. Maybe this is my Rick and Morty brain talking, but all these big things going on right now with franchises has fueled my love of crossovers. Imagine, for example, the Avatar after Korra learning that the world of Avatar shares a spirit world with the world of Pokémon, or that Professor Oak replaced Professor Snape after he did.
There is so much potential, why the hesitancy? If you could push an idea, what would it be? How would you shoehorn it?
Put the Muppets in anything
I hear people say that about Tom and Jerry too. Maybe Tom and Jerry and the Muppets could themselves crossover.
There was a Pokémon anime sequel that just wrapped up.
No? If you mean Horizons, it’s still going
Pokemon Horizons wrapped up. It has maybe three or so more episodes to go. Then they’ll be revealing whether to do a time skip or star separate characters.
So the new Avatar series has this in its description: “The newest avatar will have to deal with both humans and spirits hunting her down in a world where being the avatar is a mark of shame.”
And I think to myself… hmm… what if those spirits overlapped with Pokémon? Unknown creatures living among humans? That’s literally Pokémon. All the creatures in Avatar remind me of Pokémon.
It’s not like many of us haven’t thought of this for a while, but with the setting, it’s asking for it. Avatar as a saga is ambitious but still susceptible to crashing. Make that mega crossover.
Funnily enough, Pokémon does have beings that can be called benders. I already consider this canon, now it just has to be official.
I think the reason for lack of crossovers is each franchise has its own universe with its own rules. If, for example, Harry Potter did a crossover with Wizards of Waverly Place, it would be hard to reconcile all the contradictions in how magic systems work differently in the two franchises. The only ways around it are a) travel between dimensions or b) to just not care about the plot holes
Funnily enough, Wizards of Waverly Place had a parody segment of Harry Potter. And I consider it even more well done than actual Harry Potter.
Check out Owl House, it has some good bits making fun of Harry Potter
I did, it’s pretty cool. It’s too bad they rushed the ending :(
Hellboy and the TMNT
I’d be rooting for Hellboy.
Gravity falls and owl house. I would also happily take amphibia in the mix as well. There was already an Easter egg of a stuffed sprig in owl house so we are half way there!
And throw Star and the Forces of Evil in there too.
Phineas and Ferb + McGyver
“Mom! Phineas and Ferb are making a McGyver crossover again!”