Resource intense auto correct that does not understand the information it’s stringing together should not be used to write anything academically or professionally.
If you don’t want to use all the tools at your desposal, that’s your choice. If I had a tool that could help me formulate my text into the proper tense and help me use words most suited for a academic setting, why should I not use it? Did you know that writing a paper is part of university stuides, English major or not?
Or do you not understand how to use an LLM? Do you think that one just prompts it and use whatever it produces? That is just as stupid as entering random number into a calculator, excpect it to calculate what you wanted and then say ”caluclators are bad because it gave the wrong answer”.
A calculator, timer or calendar can’t help me write an essay.
Those are all tools, you’re bashing this guy for using one of them, so I’m bashing you for using a calculator. I’m pretty sure that you used one once in your life
Take an English class you illiterate gremlin.
Resource intense auto correct that does not understand the information it’s stringing together should not be used to write anything academically or professionally.
If you don’t want to use all the tools at your desposal, that’s your choice. If I had a tool that could help me formulate my text into the proper tense and help me use words most suited for a academic setting, why should I not use it? Did you know that writing a paper is part of university stuides, English major or not?
Or do you not understand how to use an LLM? Do you think that one just prompts it and use whatever it produces? That is just as stupid as entering random number into a calculator, excpect it to calculate what you wanted and then say ”caluclators are bad because it gave the wrong answer”.
Learn to add together big numbers in your head
And that has to do with writing essays how?
Those are all tools, you’re bashing this guy for using one of them, so I’m bashing you for using a calculator. I’m pretty sure that you used one once in your life
Oh I see, you didn’t catch my meaning that AI is a shitty tool for even the thing OP was talking about.
I refer you to my first comment as guidance on how you can improve your reading comprehension.