In a romantic relationship or otherwise. I’m being ghosted over a job, so I ask randos on the internet about what they do. WBY?
Edit: Thanks everyone for the advice I’ve been trying to follow. It helps having it reinforced. It’s just hard for several reasons any of which would make it my top choice.
- It’s in the city my sister lives in. I haven’t lived near my family since I finished high school
- My job is inherently transient; I move every 1-2 years. This one gave me some permanency
- I’ve been doing the same thing for the last 10 years. This one gives me additional responsibilities
- It’s prestigious and would come with higher pay
I’ll be working on it, but like I said it’s tough. It’s almost like the universe gave me the perfect go fuck yourself.
when i got ghosted by my job, i wish i’d started looking for a new one sooner, before burning through so much of my savings.
You aren’t entitled to a response if someone doesn’t want to respond. Suck it up and move on.
I’m not sure I agree with this, unless OP did something offensive. I’m back in the dating world for the first time in nearly a decade, and with every match that goes poorly either I explain “I’m sorry, I don’t see this going anywhere further but I wish you the best.” or they do the same for me. The only instance of ghosting was when a man tried to SA me a few months ago.
Jobs you’re applying to, as well, should send a response to your application even if it’s just an automated generic email.
Everyone deserves respect, provided they haven’t been a dick head.
With jobs, it’s just the job market right now. Companies aren’t interested in keeping good relations with applicants. Expect to just never hear back on a significant number of your applications.
Ghost them back. Or sometimes ask politely “so that’s it?” and then continue ghosting them.
There’s really nothing you can or should do, except move on.
Yeah, remind yourself that anybody who would do this isn’t a person worth having in your life. They don’t care about you.
A job (assuming it’s one I’ve not already got): they don’t want you, move on. It’s the same thing as a rejection. You can chase up once but I don’t see why bother more than once.
A person you’re talking to romantically: check in on them, if they don’t respond after messaging a few times over a few days it’s deliberate and they’re not interested. Move on. It probably wasn’t that serious if they ghosted you, or if you’re actually in a serious monogamous relationship and they ghost you then I’d either worry they’ve actually gone missing or something’s happened to them, or they are just a massive asshole to not be able to actually break up with you properly.
Do you really want to have a relationship (of any kind) with someone that treats other people that way?
If some recruiter ghosted you, don’t bother them and move on
Move on and not think about it at all.
Sign them up for something embarrassing or offensive via snail mail and use their first and last name (ghoster) but instead of their actual address, you use the neighbor’s address.
I believe this is exactly what the ebay CEO did against 2 bloggers.
Move on, get your mind off of it by doing something new and wild (bungee?) or something familiar that never involved that person