As title says. I want to really soak in that high-minded worldview today.
Oh and, anyone from Paramount* thinking of a new Star Trek series should read these comments and watch every episode mentioned. THIS is what makes Star Trek great, not any of its action or temporal timelines.
*Or writers
Measure of a man and it’s not close.
They spend the whole episode debating the nature of humanity and fundamental rights, and how they must all be defended, even for those who seem like they could be ignored for convenience.
This episode is beautiful:
It is about communication.
I remember Darmok. Hell yeah.
The First Duty.
Especially the musical redition:
A few come to mind:
- Drumhead
- Who watches the watchers
The third I’d add to this list is Measure of a Man. I think between the three you get a good sense of how Starfleet thinks of itself and others.
They get to moralize the most directly in the courtroom episodes.
They’re on the list!
FeralHistorian is that you?
No but I sense a binge coming on
We have all been there. Enjoy the ride until you will start questioning whether you are a fascist in some latent sense.
Oh crumbs