explanation : my bed is too short (or I am too long). so I somehow slept with my feet in the wood bed frame . it’s been 2 days, I still can’t feel that part of my feet, when I touch it i feel a distant, needle- like sensation :(
explanation : my bed is too short (or I am too long). so I somehow slept with my feet in the wood bed frame . it’s been 2 days, I still can’t feel that part of my feet, when I touch it i feel a distant, needle- like sensation :(
If you’re in a civilized part of the world, see a doctor.
If you’re in the US or other failed state without medical facilities: is the area cyanotic or discoloured in any way? If not and you still have some sensation is there any obvious things still pinching the area, like a poorly fitting belt? If not and it’s really been two days but you still have full function (i.e. you can fully extend toes, your ankle range of motion isn’t reduced, you can walk pretty much at all) then you have a pinched nerve and it’s fine but you need to find a solution to sleeping to restore full sensation eventually.
If your foots discoloured and/or you’ve lost function for two days, congrats. You get to go find medical help or take a hacksaw to your foot in a week when it really starts rotting.
I would add to try regularly massaging the area and alternating between cold paks and hot paks … that might help a bit if its not a serious problem as outlined above.
If doing that for a few days yields little to no improvement… or is extremely painful… go to a doctor.
Also, probably just take your mattress off the frame, put it on the ground, roll up blankets or use pillows or something to extend the effective length of the matress, until you can get a larger mattress and different frame that doesn’t allow for this problem to occur.
Apparently people really do that in the US.