Hello all, I am looking to start getting back into RSS feeds but nothing Ive found so far matches all of my requirements so i was going to see if you guys had any advice.
My requirements are:
- Self hosted (preferably with an official docker container)
- I should be able to view it in the web, as well as with an Android app but it doesn’t have to be a first party app
- It has to look nice and modern, preferably with a dark mode option
Anything you guys know of that would meet all three of those things?
Currently my plan is to run FreshRSS as my aggregator and FeedMe or Focus Reader on Android. I don’t really have any plans for web viewers though
Freshrss and capyreader here. Best combo I found after a long time.
I second FreshRSS, but I use Readrops as Android client. Nothing beats the normal FreshRSS mobile experience though. I haven’t tried Capyreader yet, but I’m gonna check it right now. Update: FreshRSS and Capy Reader it is. I’m impressed with how intuitive and customizable CR is. Thanks for the tip!
I use Newsboat from command line. Great distraction free way to get your news. Easy to open up a browser if I wanna see a video or picture too with it
Not exactly what you asked, but if you’re gonna read from Android, I highly suggest CapyReader.
I like Miniflux.
Miniflux for me as well, I find the progressive web app for mobile has the best color scheme for my eyes
I use Tiny Tiny RSS (https://tt-rss.org/) on desktop, and while they have an official mobile app, I’ve been enjoying Read You on Android
I highly recommend trying CapyReader for mobile, it is much snappier!
I will preface this with I only use it’s web interface so I’m unsure of an app and you can judge from the image on their site if it is modern enough for you. I’d describe it as simple overall but it does have dark themes.
I’ve overall had a good experience with freshrss and their docker container https://hub.docker.com/r/freshrss/freshrss.
Freshrss as well and Feedme on android. Feedme is nice since it can download everything, even webpages and images for offline reading
Feedme is good but Read You is gorgeous (and we all know that’s what matters).
I use freshrss and fluent reader as android client app
I like netNewsWire on iOS
Freshrss and Capy Reader for android app.
I use Feeder for android. I have nothing else, and now i am searching this FreshRSS, you all mentioned 🫣
I use elfeed with emacs.
I’m happy with FeedBro (browser extension), very customizable.