That YT channel has nazi propaganda videos.
I see not much has changed
That YT channel has nazi propaganda videos.
I see not much has changed
I know, I said ‘their’ and ‘they’ mostly.
And then why would you mind me dunking on them?
Man that’s disgusting warmongering propaganda.
And cringe AF.
Oh I definitely will, always have since the other side of their uniparty is not much better for the rest of the world.
Besides those 2 factions there isn’t a significant alternative. The vast majority belongs to 1 of those 2.
The dems will eventually fall in line and collaborate, like much of the European parties did before and during WW2.
“embracing patriotism” and " banning left wing elements" as the new proposed plan for the dems is already a good step.
They have no culture of resistance, generally apathetic and pacified.
If a European country would suddenly live under the same conditions Americans do now and loong before, regardless of which side was in charge it would be in flames. I can name a few things: no social benefits, mass homelesness, authoritarian police that kill plenty people, largest percentage of people put in jail… No country would take that.
And now they want to ‘save their democracy’?
And how? By not shopping at chain X for one day or maybe change their avatar.
True warriors.
Poor thing is his son, molded by daddy.
You should see the video, he just looks scary in it. The empty look, no thoughts, just following orders.
His sister already had mental problems at a young age and got help, this one doesn’t know it yet.
Yes but I can’t let this chance go by to piss off the English and say they’re a German colony, the country they love to hate.
Speak a germanic language.
England, literally land of the Angle. Where are the Angle from?
And who’s the other part of the Anglo-Saxons?
Ruled by…The Windsors? Doesn’t sound right.
Or did they change their Von Saxen-Gotha name for some mysterious reason in 1914?
You can avoid the whole of Europe, most countries are getting closer to the 4th reich.
Almost time to send the kids to the eastern front again.
True, but there is a lot of Roman history and some find it cool for the wrong reasons.
As I said, after winning the national election.
While we have an even more extreme party (VB)he is the leader of the NVA, basically a nationalist separatist party that wants to split the country and indepence for the Flemish speaking part.
Historically they were the party that collaborated with the nazis.
While they are careful to not be associated with extremism sometimes their true nature shows.
Roman empire, like the nordic pagan BS is also a (extreme) right-wing fetish.
So glad to see our new PM celebrating his election win like this:
Poor blue maga, while anyone with a consciense was permabanned from Reddit loooong ago by Jessica Ashoosh, now their slightly more right wing sister party has done it to them.
You had so much free speech as long as it was the US regime narrative.
Says more about you people than Reddit.
“introducing a bill that has a 0.00% chance of getting passed” is Bernie’s function.
So he can look like the real leftist who is really trying.
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