i’m here for the memes, friendship, and existential dread.
welcome to old age. your knees will go next.
similar - i worked as a chef for 14 years, wanted to step in front of a bus. got a job working IT at a high school and ended up with easy work, better pay easy hours and appreciation. cannot even begin to tell you how much my life has improved. don’t love it, but i don’t feel like i have to either.
depends on where you are i guess. i don’t feel like this at all.
^this really. it took me a long time and a career change to realise that i don’t need to love my job, i just need to not hate it. i no longer daydream about stepping into traffic to avoid having to go to work. i don’t make a lot of money, but enough to enjoy my life. my work isn’t particularly rewarding, but it’s not hard and i don’t take it home with me.
yes. steve.
This is true, I have no sympathy for the ones who put spare on another’s device, but the targets did not deserve that.
Serves them right for using spyware.
Edit. It has correctly been brought to my attention that the targets also had their credentials leaked. They didn’t deserve that. That said, fuck the people who were installing spyware in other people’s devices.
Ah, so this is the image that breaks my mind.