Democratic stronghold. No need to moderate for Republican voters because they’re irrelevant.
Democratic stronghold. No need to moderate for Republican voters because they’re irrelevant.
They’ve literally been saying this shit for 10 years, it just doesn’t make it into the algorithms during election season.
I feel highly offended by your use of the word “goalpost”
runs to mom mods
Becoming wealthy and staying wealthy is hard.
I mean first of all, huge disagree. When your money is making money above and beyond what you need to survive, it’s actually difficult to stop being wealthy even when you make giving away your wealth your entire job. Power of compounding.
inheritance doesn’t mean anything really
is an incredibly out of touch statement.
Second, if the rule applies to all, it would leave a lot of children without the base which their parents worked their whole life for, as they would probably not afford to pay tax on a house they would inherit.
I think children should be grateful they receive anything at all. This is a nation of rugged individualism, no one should start with a leg up like a free house.
First - wealthy people just move their wealth overseas
Well that’s tax evasion and illegal, but you still make a good point. This is the main reason no one is seriously attempting to tax rich people more - they’ll just move their money out of the country. Legality be damned.
disabled people or people temporary without jobs
We’re not giving them millions of dollars, just enough for survival (and not even that sometimes).
you prevent new people from possibly starting businesses because why should they, if it will basically be taken away from them?
We’re only talking about inheritance specifically, not taking money from wealthy people in general. Something like a super high inheritance tax.
What’s wrong with taking from them? It’s not like they earned it.
As for rich people in general, most of them, AFAIK, actually built their wealth from ground up.
Why in the world would you think that’s the case? We could look up stats but we shouldn’t have to. You already realize that the children of self-made rich people will themselves become rich without any effort. Logically, it would follow that over generations there would end up being a much higher proportion of “descendants of self-made rich people” than “self-made rich people”.