So, while we wait for the inevitable revolution, why not bring back the New Deal?
So, while we wait for the inevitable revolution, why not bring back the New Deal?
Look who is talking about dreaming.
Have a nice day and don’t hold your breath until the revolution.
You’re ignoring the part where I said everyone has a high standard of living.
A fun way to get started with a story is to take two actors and put them together.
Natalie Portman and Keanu Reeves are the stars of the story. Now tell me the plot.
Or we could be doing asteroid mining and getting raw materials from off-planet.
Marx and Lenin never wrote about that because they both died a century ago.
If the workers have a 25 hour week with universal health care and great pensions who cares if the billionaires have spaceships to Mars?
Patton Oswalt had an interesting take on Presidents and media.
He said that when John Kennedy was President it was all James Bond and the Rat Pack; really cool guys doing cool guy stuff.
When Obama was President you had a lot of superhero movies; the lone hero coming in to fix everything.
With Trump you had the multiverse; everything is a lie and nothing means naything.
I do stuff offline.
All you guys ever do is argue. Name one thing you guys have done in America in the last 50 years.
Keep on arguing on the interwebs.
Maybe someone will notice.
Yes, we should definitely not have something like Sweden or the old New Deal. We should let children grow up in poverty, let old people suffer, and let the planet burn while we sit around discussing Trotsky and the Second International in hopes that the revolution will come.
iirc de La Cruz got less than 100,000 votes.
I go even simpler.
The New Deal.
Make the GOPs explain why we could pay salaries that let one earner support a family of four in 1940 and can’t do it today.
Of course, you could just talk about “Tax The Rich” or “Bring Back the New Deal” but then how could people know you read Karl Marx?
Now you’re saying the New Deal never existed?