Honey bees also actively take pollen back to their hive, meaning relatively little of it is spread to other flowers. They’re also often involved in pollen theft, where they take pollen, but don’t spread it appropriately at all.
Honey bees also actively take pollen back to their hive, meaning relatively little of it is spread to other flowers. They’re also often involved in pollen theft, where they take pollen, but don’t spread it appropriately at all.
Which is why making code readable is so very important. Our juniors and students will think we’re ridiculous, when we spend a long time cleaning up some code or choosing the least misunderstandable name for a type. But you fuck that up and then others, as well as your future self, will be wasting many more minutes misunderstanding what your code does.
I mean, I actually think it’s a relatively competent game, but it does have graphics straight out of the nineties and puzzle-y gameplay which neuro-boring people would probably call boring: [email protected]
And yeah, might be about 1/3 of my life since it’s been my most-played game fairly consistently.