• 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • I do not need to read your writeup to know that this information comes from sources other than Wikipedia. It doesn’t matter what it acknowledges about “the vast majority of articles,” because any one article, this one included, can be an exception.

    I unfortunately can’t read Russian so I can’t really tell what it says.

    How do you not know about Google Translate at this point? Or is that full of “Western bias” too?

    What source would you even trust?

  • Is your writeup about that specific article? Because if not, it’s irrelevant. You can judge whether the source is reliable by going there, which you are apparently unwilling to do because you’ve already decided it’s too biased.

    Also, there are Wikipedia editors from all over the world. I think you know that too.

    Seems like your real problem is they’re being big meanies to Russia which only has the best intentions for Ukrainians and would never commit any war crimes.