Ist nur das alleinstehende o, völlig unbedenklich.
Ist nur das alleinstehende o, völlig unbedenklich.
It is certainly on the upper end of what dogs can do without inflicting harm on their body, but a one off doesn’t have to be harmless.
Je nach dem wie kaputt lässt sich sowas noch reparieren. Vielleicht gibt es bei dir in der nähe ein Reperaturcafe, CCC, oder ähnliches.
Anarchokoalition. ergibt keinen Sinn, muss es aber auch nicht.
Sonst vielleicht noch Angola Koalition, Afrika ist ja in.
That’s not always good. Maybe they just did not read the handle and assumed someone random asked, but didn’t know they wanted this library. That’s probably a good assumption, too.
They are just doctors. No need to glorify them. They do no more or less than a bus driver. Most jobs have an emotional toll.
I think George Costanza is a better match…
Mhhh. Ich habe mit “Ich habe deine Mama geküsst” gerechnet
This is a traditional carnival wagon. this does not mean we have a spine.
Sei halt vorsichtig stimmt als Handlungsanweisung. Allerdings verhindert das nicht alle Unfälle. Permanente maximale geistige Präsenz ist unmöglich.
Menschen die nicht regelmäßig hohe Fahrzeuge führen machen mehr Fehler wenn sie es dann mal tun. Das ist normal.
You mental? Homesteading is not plausible for most since it requires a whole lot of money to buy an acceptable property in reach of their job. In particular Europeans. Also funding a business is a risky endeavor.
And further more the Vulcans did not manage this rapid transition away from armed conflict and instead had thousand years of war. They were impressed and scared but the humans adapting this quickly breeding doubts in their restraints from violence.
Unlikely. There are and where good economic and political reasons for the war.
The blossoming democracy, freedom and wealth in Ukraine are dangerous to the stability of Russia. They show what could have been.
The annexation of crimes did bring ports to further Russia’s imperial ambition. The agricultural land is of high quality and will secure Russia’s role as a resource exporter after the phase out of fossils. You also need to keep in mind that siberia’s agricultural output is severely at risk from climate change. Ukraine had impressive heavy industry. They took transit tolls for Russian gas which could be saved.
To be fair: Beyond reasonable doubt is the highest certainty.
It is probably impossible to achieve that for some of the things you might justifiably deport someone.
The clear and convincing proof part is also plainly ignored, so that’s not the issue. The issue is a government that will execute its agenda no matter the law. You cannot stop that within the law as it is void.