The Israeli killing of US civilians goes back at least to 2003, when American activist Rachel Corrie was crushed to death in Gaza by an Israeli soldier driving an armored Caterpillar-brand bulldozer as she laid down to prevent it from moving to destroy Palestinian houses.
What Fanon implored us to do was to view the struggle of the oppressed as a struggle to create a new mode of being, a new form of humanity. Within the revolutionary struggles of the masses, he insisted, lie the seeds of a new humanity. The ongoing resistance in Palestine today is not a new phenomenon, but is rather the latest episode in a decades’ long struggle for freedom and what Hegel and Fanon both agree on, recognition. Not recognition to live within shrivelled little cantons and drip-fed subsistence, but recognition as a human being in the holistic sense of the term. The stone throwing, the stabbings and the bombings are a reaction to a colonial regime which denies this recognition.
Both sides-ing a genocide is bad. Difference is one side is fighting eradication for their humanity and emancipation while the other is doing the eradication for supremacy and Colonialism.