If you’re blocking any mention of executive dysfunction what are you doing on an ADHD comm?
new account of [email protected]
If you’re blocking any mention of executive dysfunction what are you doing on an ADHD comm?
Sure I’ll read it. I don’t care about furries one way or the other but it’s an honor to read someone’s work. So sorry about your map. I spent so many hours making fantasy maps when I was young.
It’s very clever, but I’ve always felt it flies right over the heads of their viewers. Maybe that’s a feature not a bug, who knows.
They’re the same picture.
It makes a white dude that’s a real drain on society and his family feel superior, like he’s winning. Don’t make me whip out the Johnson.
You could flip it around and use your ideas to write a near future or current day alternate reality story.
Incel culture has always existed it just didn’t have a way out if its mom’s basement without the internet.
Does OSHA even still exist?
They literally mentioned that.
Ever met a surgeon?
Executive dysfunction is a medical term and has been in use for at least 40 years. Now that ADHD is gaining recognition as neurodivergence and not just kids that don’t pay attention, expect to see it more, especially in ADHD communities and other online spaces.