I have no clue about your notstupidquestion but it’s inspired one of my own.
Why are you taking zinc? I was under the impression that intaking zinc is a terrible idea and should be avoided at all cost.
Maybe it’s specifically inhaling it that’s the issue? I’ve always heard this in a metallurgy context: that you should be careful heating up brass/welding galvanized steel etc because the zinc will turn into a fairly toxic gas.
I used to be into HP fanfiction and my god I got so tired of hearing about HPMOR. I didn’t hate it, I didn’t feel nearly that strongly. I got a handful of chapters in and put it down, but that’s reasonably normal for me. But my god you could not escape that fic. It’s fans were rabid and it’s detractors were even worse than that. If it could vaguely fit a req, they’d bring it up. And then get three replies about how it doesn’t fit the req and it’s the worst thing since My Immortal within fifteen minutes.