The international courts are courts in name only. They don’t have power because it is by design and thus any rulings are non-binding. The only real power there is is the UNSC, and it is extremely corrupt as everyone knows.
The international courts are courts in name only. They don’t have power because it is by design and thus any rulings are non-binding. The only real power there is is the UNSC, and it is extremely corrupt as everyone knows.
There are always background threats. It is politics after all.
Haha. I don’t know if you are trolling or not, but look up defensive democracy and military Keynesianism.
I don’t support NATO either. But is as if there are no left leaning supporter for international military alliance lol. I don’t know what your smoking, but no thanks.
Macron is centrist at best, who is socially progressive but economically right, in which the latter is only feeding the right.
He had been advocating for EU army since Trump’s first term. I was indifferent or at best opposed to it because, like most people, nobody thought Trump is crazy enough to threaten to pull out of NATO, and there was no war in Ukraine. Then now with Trump 2.0, him pulling out from more international obligations, and the invasion of Ukraine happening at the same time, I can see why re-arming is a better course. I am still not a fan of an EU army, but I am sympathetic to the sentiment.
Also, it is not “right wing” to allow rearmament. There are right wingers who are isolationists, especially those with ties of varying degrees to Kremlin and don’t see Putin as a problem. Sure, there are even left wing isolationists.
Yeah. Macron is extremely bad with domestic politics which is why the French far-right keeps gaining ground. I tell the so-called blue MAGA that if Americans could articulate their thoughts away from the cringey false dichotomy of “blue, liberal Democrats” versus “red, conservative Republicans”, the Democratic party is at best a neoliberal centre-right party who still value private property and free market, however socially progressive they are. Hence, as Macron and the Democratic party demonstrated, liberals will always side with fascists when it comes to it, instead of actually curb stomping the far-right for good.
But since we are talking about how awful Macron’s domestic policies are, the opposite side is Macron being inversely good in foreign policies. He had been proven correct searching for strategic autonomy, and able to stand up to the bullying tactics of both Trump and Putin. Someone in Reddit mentioned Macron is probably easily bored with local politics. I have to agree and I am exactly the same. I prefer international news and politics over local; because the latter is like keeping up with school gossip with too many white noise. And the details of the story change every damn time. Meanwhile, international politics typically settles over a bit quickly and you get the fuller picture as a result. Besides, I think if you follow international news and politics more, you see the entire forest than just a tree and thus you could easily see solutions to local problems by applying what other nations are doing right.
It makes sense. They were dealing with lots of protests during the 1960’s and 70’s. They definitely don’t want more dissidents.
I did not make the rules, the ruling class did. If you are not aware, the UN is never meant to have legal power. Why do you think the UN General Assembly “pass” resolutions in favour of the oppressed (stopping the war in Ukraine , lifting sanctions on Cuba, stopping the Israeli settlement on Palestinian lands, declaring the war on Iraq as illegal), and yet nothing happened?
The UN is meant to be a “platform” for diplomacy, not act as the world government. If you read more about international “law”, the more you will realise how farcical and practically nonexistent it is. The terms accords, agreement and treaty don’t mean the same thing in international “law”. The United States even repeated several times they will invade The Hague should the international courts prosecute any American citizens.
Notice I have put quotations on some words, which is to highlight that in practice, they don’t have binding power and therefore don’t mean anything.