Like not spamming the same comment multiple times and like realizing that the only but quite essential power you do have is choosing between the least worse candidate because the much worse candidate will go the complete autocrat route. I can’t believe how brainwashed some people continue to be to try to argue they have not just doomed Gaza, helped expand Guantanamo Bay, or have endangered people’s right while trying to use examples of how it could have been better as an “argument”.
Because the alternative is much worse and arguments like yours are so far more deceptive that they are the Hail Mary of autocratic troll factories.
Just because you don’t get the choices you want or should have does not mean you should throw it away, and if what Trump isn’t proving that already, then you are either a dumbass or arguing in bad faith. People like you are far more responsible for Trump and as a consequence his actions than the voters you claim to hate.
It is perfectly possible to try to work to change a system from the outside that cannot be changed from the inside while trying to use whatever influence you have on the inside to prevent the worst aspects of it. Instead you choose play acting and then shaking off responsibility.