I’m sure they do. I bet domestic dogs kill a lot more people and pets per year though.
I’m sure they do. I bet domestic dogs kill a lot more people and pets per year though.
Leave the poor piggies alone. I have wild boars near me in Japan and twice in the past year I’ve been close enough to touch them. They are highly intelligent social animals. If you demonstrate that you aren’t a threat, they are indifferent to your presence and if you offer them an apple, potato, corn, bread or peanuts they will warm up to you like a cat when you give it food. The problem isn’t the boars, it’s that people act aggressively toward them and they respond with aggression.
MAGA hats are how pedophiles identify each other and form social bonds with other pedophiles.
“Law and Order” has always been a racist dog-whistle in US politics. It is code for mass incarceration of Black and Brown people. Just colorful language to mask fascism.
God damn! This is so simple a third grade student can understand it. The US government has no authority to tax foreign governments, citizens or businesses. They can only tax American citizens and businesses. So Trump puts a 50% tariff (Import Tax) on tea from England. The tea costs $5.00. The person or corporation who imports it, pays the $5.00 cost plus the $2.50 tariff. The US government gets the $2.50. In this case, Trump and Musk are probably just stealing it.
I think people tend to see what benefits their desires. Domestic dogs kill far more humans and pets per year than boars, yet no one is advocating going out and shooting dogs on sight. We aren’t interested in their meat. Cats are an invasive species in many places where humans have introduced them and cats have hunted many native bird species to extinction, yet no one is saying we should kill all the kitties. Boars are very intelligent, smarter than dogs and wolves. They can smell yams, potatoes and truffles three feet under the ground. They can also smell gun oil, gun powder, and dogs. They know when you’re in the woods to hunt them. Here in Japan, the absence of boars kills forests. Many tubers here are also climbing vines that choke and kill trees. When humans stop living in the forest and there are no boars, the vines take over and the trees die. Humans living in harmony with nature will cut vines away from food producing trees. Boars dig up tubers and sometimes the tree roots get damaged, but if the boar did nothing, the tree would be killed in a few years anyway. I cut vines off of trees when I walk the forests near me. I prioritize saving cherry, plum and walnut trees but I rescue as many trees as I have time for. The boars are a big help.