The ADL is fully composed of Semitic bias so they’re not exactly more desirable if everyone’s gonna throw around the B-word
TV show and family set in the Great Depression haha. The Walmart Waltons suck! Olivia Walton (the matriarch) is the mom I always wished I had
The Waltons (tv show family set in the Great Depression) always struck me as one of the strongest illustrations of a genuinely strong and truly nourishing family system.
They truly love each other unselfishly and everyone’s feelings and dignity actually matter to the rest of the group at the end of the day. They all learn from each other, recognize when they’ve acted poorly (the grandparents, parents, and children alike) and do their best to figure out where they can contribute knowing they will be supported and upheld in turn
How do you define the “human experience”?
K, phenethylamine is not an early stage drug, its literally what all other mainstream amphetamines and stimulant are descended from and an otc supplement allegedly used for same and as a workout supplement. So maybe check things out if you actually want ideas and people to entertain interacting with you at all. Its very legal and I assume it has a decent therapeutic window or it probably wouldnt be so lightly regulated, altho don’t know about efficacy cuz I’m prescribed the real deal which I’m taking right now so I’ve never needed to branch out in the way you need to
In vivo was an odf thing for me to tack on their but there’s a basis to the suggestion. You seem pretty desperate so I doubt there’s a an actual line in the sand here lol. Goodluck
Could look into phenethylamine with an MAOI but definitely vet this suggestion to be sure its legit. Not sure if actually works in vivo
How would they describe something purple natively if they stumbled upon something we would describe as purple or violet in language and conceptually? Would it be lumped in with blue or is there a way they could discriminate it linguistically in a non-novel way?
Security thru ubiquity :) I like it
Its for…a…friend…?