Japan is living in the year 2000, since 50 years.
Japan is living in the year 2000, since 50 years.
Nur wenn wir dafür Hawaii bekommen. The art of the deal.
Klarna is pretty sketchy…
First attempt to pay: “Instant bank transfer” (don’t know the English term). Klarna like this: pleasy enter PIN from your bank account…
Second attempt: ok, I’ll pay by “direct debit”. Klarna like this: listen here you little shit, give me the PIN from your bank account now…
I then ordered the stuff somewhere else.
Fun fact: when Klarna wasn’t so shit yet, I had once paid via purchase on account. A year later I wanted to buy something again, but the invoice was rejected due to insufficient creditworthiness. Jokers.
Largest market for fax machines…