But is it mango specifically or any fruit croissants? Strawberry croissants are pretty common around here but I’ve never been to France to know if it’s common there too
But is it mango specifically or any fruit croissants? Strawberry croissants are pretty common around here but I’ve never been to France to know if it’s common there too
What’s the big deal?
The person who wrote this clearly isn’t familiar with rich people. Billionaires and multimillionaires do this stuff. McMansions are for the poor millionaires.
The ultra rich use imported marble for their bathrooms. They fly in the best plaster artist in the country to make a mural in the foyer. The butler’s pantry is lined with $100/sqft wallpaper. The desks are made of rare Italian old growth hardwood.
Some of it is gaudy, some of it is tasteful. But it’s hard to comprehend just how expensive everything in their houses are. They spend a million or two dollars on AV alone.
Source: I was a pro AV commissioner/programmer for a long time. Fun fact: AV was deemed “essential work” during lockdown. Another fun fact: rich people stopped tipping entirely during lockdown.
Network infrastructure is a science and we don’t need no damn science in this country!