We should. You should demand we do. Am American, and I fully support this.
We should. You should demand we do. Am American, and I fully support this.
Hey, France, from an American:
Insist on it. Every. Single. Meeting. Insist. Return it. Give it back. Fuck you, that’s not what it’s for. Put the screws in.
Our idiot fucking government wants transactional and splashy. Oblige them.
We have no ability to effect any meaningful change at this point outside of high velocity lead poisoning.
I kinda want to leave for good.
lol wow, so that’s pretty blatant.
They’re not going to pay you if they classify it as “not a problem”. And you get what you pay for.
Honestly, I would encourage any researcher who gets a brush-off response like this as a response to a real and meaningful security report to lean even harder into malicious compliance. Simply post it to TikTok or Instagram or whatever - and I am intentionally picking the pervasive platforms that I despise and find problematic, simply because they have the largest user bases. If it’s “not a problem”, they shouldn’t mind if how-to videos explaining how to elicit the “not problematic” behavior start going viral.
Dear god I hope eel-on-musk goes to Poland and tries that. He so deserves to find out.
Edit: clarification: I’m saying I want him to be arrested somewhere that’s not the US
No that’s not right - you gotta lose the torch and make it look like he’s “sending his heart out to the world”
Edit: also, holy censorship, Batman :O that is wild.