Engineer/Mathematician/Student. I’m not insane unless I’m in a schizoposting or distressing memes mood; I promise.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 28th, 2023

  • As someone who has done a similar experiment (though only making out) I feel like this guy is gayer than myself because I don’t think I could stay turned on or motivated enough to fuck a dude effectively, even a very fem one.

    That being said I feel like gay is supposed to mean “attracted to other men” not “not-overtly-repulsed by sex with another man”

    There are asexual people who can and do still have sex because they aren’t sex repulsed. Those people are still asexuals, just like asexuals who are sex repulsed are asexuals.

    It’s less about what you do and more about why you’re doing it that makes it gay. Are you attracted to other men? No? Then I guess it’s not necessarily gay.