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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • They can’t but also by banning it having the banned software makes it a crime. So if they stop you and see you have the banned software installed they can add charges. It’s like a seat belt law most are not going to catch you wearing a seat belt or not but if they pull you over they will add that charge to your ticket. Also making something illegal that everyone will keep doing. Allows the government to charge people it doesn’t like. Speak out in ways powerful people don’t like jail. Help the homeless jail. Be homeless jail. Try and run against me in an election jail.

  • I will give him credit he turned computers and phones into fashion accessories. He is closer to Coco Chanel than any tech visionary. If you think about it his methods were closer to QAnon or flat earth people. You can sell some people anything if you can convince them they are better than other people if they follow you. I am still salty about him overshadowed Dennis Richie’s passing who was a real tech visionary.