I think that deception is the deeper badness. You could be deceived to the eyeballs and never know it. You’d think that you’re right, and all your friends are right, and everybody who disagrees is wrong and bad.
Are you sure?
I think the important difference is that they offend in 2 different ways. Bullying offends your … what, ego? And deception offends your morals? Or something like that.
I guess both offend your basic wellbeing too.
All the bosch here are blue. I keep hearing about the green but never saw it. Maybe it’s a European thing. Or maybe our eyecells differ.
Okay I looked it up. Holy shit. Yeah there’s green ones I never saw them before
He is clearly a rivertaur.
The thing about being deceived is you don’t know when it’s happening.
One replier derived racial implications, another harry potter school houses, and politics. It’s a ripe field.
I just recently broke my craftsman impact driver. It was 20v. Good for the $80 tho it didn’t carry a charge too well. Strong enough. Lasted 5 years. Snapped something inside it 4 days ago. Crass, cheap red with black detailing.
I do like Bosch. Tho that blue never did much for me.
I have one of their little 12 v driver combos. Impact and drill. It’s pretty sweet.
Reading this bunch of modern true-believers confidently preach the dogma of the hour (evolution yes! design no!) is nauseating.