honestly by now my brain filters it out. i had to go back to the original post to play spot the difference for a second
just me
honestly by now my brain filters it out. i had to go back to the original post to play spot the difference for a second
logically you shouldn’t obviously
but there’s something in a lot of our brains that wants to be the cool adult, chill with the kids and all that. often i half knowingly make sure my hair is looking good when there’s some teenagers in a bus. it’s not logical but idk, teens are brutally honest so if they approve of your vibe (by not making fun of you) - that means you’re cool, i think?? no idea
i don’t like mushrooms
how to substitute the cum glazing in the recepie? i don’t have any
falling asleep is the easy part, the hard part is waking up with a sore asshole knowing you need to make it worse to make it better
i swear white clothing is a magnet for tomato foods