Credit to the admins and mods of the fediverse that keep spam down to the level where we just have one semi successful spammer to laugh at.
Also known as snooggums on and
Credit to the admins and mods of the fediverse that keep spam down to the level where we just have one semi successful spammer to laugh at.
Ever watched a fish stand up?
They need to be held.
Her case reflects ICE’s broadened enforcement that now includes documented immigrants.
If they are jailing documented immigrants they are not enforcing anything, they are kidnapping people.
Stick to policy and let the manager be the one who breaks the rules.
If you do it, then you can be punished.
.ml is fine for anything other than politics, as they will ban over the slightest hint of criticism of China and other communist authoritarian countries. Especially calling anyone a tankie.
But the trchnical and other non-political communities are pretty similar to any other instances communities.
You can change, but like everything else it takes way more effort to do anything long term with ADHD. You do have to accept the linitations and work with that.
Will everything be clean all the time? No. But I can choose to do something about it when I notice intead of putting it off. Only took a decade to be half as good as my wife, but progress was made and I improved even if it wasn’t instant. Nothing is instantly permanent with ADHD as far as I can tell.