There were shadowy conspiracists lurking in the dark alleys of Washington, and hiding from the glaring sun in the High Desert of California, but they were laughably easy prey when the Martian lizard people, the subterranean Vril-empowered mole-men, and the globalist pedophile Commies did show up.
und danach winkt eine Jobgarantie
Die winkt inzwischen aber am Ende von so ziemlich jeder Ausbildung.
I hope at some point people will add inurl:lemmy
to their G***** search to get better results.
This is locally-made European AI slop though
My source is my history teacher in secondary school, who had actually fled from the Soviet Union, and whose grandparents were dumped out of a train onto the Kirgis steppe without food or shelter by the Bolsheviks, where close to half starved in the first winter, for being of German descent.
But also be mindful of the fact that the more rules you add for people to be part of a movement, the less members the movement will have.
The “Buy European” protest is about sending a message of resistance against the current US regime, as well as reducing reliance on US products.
It doesn’t require you to only buy ethically spotless products.
That simply isn’t possible in our system.
Ballsy, just casually dropping the G-word here!